We are Job Discovery Inc., a nonprofit, tax-exempt human services organization. We provide reliable, high quality of life, job skills training, employment and day support opportunities, and residential support services for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
JDI employees are dedicated and committed to helping individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities through individually customized plans. These plans achieve stable, satisfying vocational and residential opportunities that contribute to their quality of life within the local community.
Vision Statement
JDI is a leading provider of services for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities; recognized by human services, governmental agencies, peer organizations, and professional evaluation services for consistent excellence in management practices, customer and client relations, client and employee satisfaction, and its strong advocacy initiatives that improve the quality of life for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Job Discovery Inc. (JDI) was established and incorporated in 1988 to provide quality and reliable supported employment services for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities in Fairfax County, Virginia. In 1989, JDI opened its first group home in Arlington County, Virginia to two individuals who had not experienced a full array of living in the community. The goal for JDI was to serve and maximize each individual's abilities and learning potential through community based employment, vocational and residential opportunities. In 1992 JDI offered day support opportunities as well as obtaining a vendor agreement with the Department of Rehabilitative Services. JDI is licensed by the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services and has full accreditation by CARF International.
Resources: Affiliations and Partnership
- City of Alexandria Virginia
- Arlington County, Virginia – Arlington Department of Human Services (Arlington CSB)
- CARF International Commission on Accreditation and Rehabilitative Facilities
- Fairfax County, Virginia - Fairfax/Falls Church Community Services Board
- Virginia Department of Medical Assistance
- U.S. Department of Labor Wage and Hour Division
- Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services or DBHDS
- Virginia Department of Rehabilitative Services
- Prince William County CSB
- Loudoun County