OFFICE: (703) 385-0041
FAX: (703) 385-1113
TTY (703) 383-3155
VA TTY: 711
Office Hours: Monday through Thursday 8:30am-5:00pm, Friday 8:30-4:30pm
Email Privacy and Confidentiality Statement
Please read the E-mail Privacy and Confidentiality Statement below before sending an email to Job Discovery, Inc.
Emails received on the internet are not encrypted therefore is not considered to be on a secure network. Any email that is addressed to JDI or its staff is not guaranteed to remain private and confidential. JDI will use emails to provide general information and updates pertaining to the internal organization and other advocacy concerns. JDI remains in compliance with federal security, confidentiality and privacy regulations. Please refrain from sending identifiable health or otherwise confidential information over the email system. If you have an emergency, please use the voicemail system at (703) 385-0041 and follow the prompts that connect you to the appropriate extension.